
The turnkey project aims at the development and operation for 25 years of a PV solar farm with 15 MWp installed capacity at Falougha area in Upper Metn Region. The project is designed for delivering 27,000 MWhr/year, and includes medium voltage transmission lines to Electricité Du Liban substation in Sofar town.

The PV farm shall occupy 15 hectares of a mountainous area rich with groundwater resources. Although the project will have a significant socio-economic impact through improving the electrical power supply situation, yet potential impacts on landscape, and on groundwater, and other environmental parametersmight arise.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping study was conducted as a first step in addressing the full potential impacts likely to be generated by the Project.


The following tasks were undertaken during the EIA Scoping study

Outlining the methodology for the assessment of environmental impacts to be undertaken during